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What Is the Difference Between Shipboard Wire & Regular Wire?

Author:tiankang Addtime:2022-12-17 14:34:48 Click:378

Shipboard cables are usually made up of tinned copper, while regular wires usually contain bare copper.

Due to tinned copper, marine wires not only conduct electricity better but also resist corrosion more effectively than regular wires.

Moreover, tin on the copper protects the marine cables from oxidation, a perk that regular wires do not share.

If you compare the same sizes of a marine wire and a regular wire, the marine wire comes out to be larger than the regular wire.


Marine wires also contain an additional PVC jacket.

This insulation is specifically made to be very flexible. This feature comes in handy when wires are to be adjusted in tight space such as the boat hulls.

This insulation also contains printed codes to make the identification easier.

Last but not least, these marine wires are designed to handle higher wattages than the regular wires as the water vessels often require quite a high wattage.
